Archives: External Links
97 Articles
- Research
Profs. McCabe and Rosen Co-Author Report on Evictions in Washington DC
Profs. McCabe and Rosen co-author report that examines housing stability in Washington DC and eviction filings. See citation: McCabe, Brian and Eva Rosen. 2020. “Eviction in…
October 8, 2020
- Research
Prof. Donato Co-authors Article About Medical-Legal Partnerships Serving Immigrant Communities
Prof. Donato, together with Avery League, Nima Sheth, Elizabeth Shelden, Sheetal Patel, Laurie Ball Cooper and Emily Mendenhall, evaluate the medical-legal partnerships serving U…
September 25, 2020
- Faculty
- News
Two Sociology Professors Teach Course that Examines Impacts of COVID-19 on Society
Due to the vast and pervasive effects of COVID-19, two sociologists are offering a new course about the social impacts of pandemics. This fall, Katharine Donato, interim chair of…
September 1, 2020
- Research
Prof. Donato Co-authors Article About Research Perspectives on Refugee and Immigrant Integration in Canada, United States, and Europe
Profs Donato and Elizabeth Ferris review recent studies about refugee and immigrant integration and develop next steps for future research. See citation: Donato, Katharine M. and…
August 4, 2020
- News
Prof. McCabe Moderates Discussion with Prof. Rosen on Section 8 Voucher Program
Prof. Brian McCabe served as a moderator of a panel featuring Dr. Eva Rosen and discussed the findings in her book, The Voucher Promise: "Section 8" and the Fate of an American…
July 28, 2020
- News
Prof. Mahadeo Writes Op-Ed for Truthout
Prof. Rahsaan Mahadeo, 21st Century Postdoctoral Fellow, wrote an opinion piece for Truthout about the need for sociology departments to take part in police.…
July 21, 2020
- News
Prof. McNamara Presents at Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Digital Conference
Prof. Dennis McNamara, SJ organized and chaired a session titled “China’s Development Model” in SASE’s Network Q, on Asian Capitalisms, and presented two papers, …
July 18, 2020
- News
Profs. Fields and Hsu Speak in Discussion Titled “How Racism Permeates American Institutions”
Prof. Corey Fields and Prof. Becky Hsu appeared in a discussion hosted by the Georgetown University Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity & Affirmative Action. They gave a…
July 16, 2020
- Research
Prof. Donato Receives Funding from Russell Sage Foundation for Research on Immigrant Adults Who Entered as Children
Prof. Donato receives $155,503 from the Russell Sage Foundation to fund a new two-year project entitled The Assimilation and Mobility Trajectories of U.S. Immigrants who Entered…
July 1, 2020
- Research
Prof. Perkins Co-authors Article on Shared Equity Homeownership
Prof. Perkins, Shannon Rieger, Jonathan Spader, and Christopher Hebert write about shared equity homeownership and its potential to expand access to homeownership. See citation:…
June 1, 2020