Rebecca Medway

At the 2011 Joint Survey Methodology Business Meeting, the Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship Award was presented to Rebecca Medway, a doctoral student in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland. Rebecca has a wide range of experience working in government statistics, including internships at the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Justice Statistics and several years of employment at the Fors Marsh Group, which specializes in federal government consulting. Rebecca’s dissertation research is on the potential tradeoff between nonresponse bias and measurement error when incentives are used, a topic of growing importance in federally sponsored surveys. While most incentives research focuses narrowly on the impact that incentives have on response rates, her work broadens the focus to take account of measurement error. This includes investigating how incentives influence the way that respondents complete the survey task and measuring the impact of the incentives on respondent effort. Rebecca’s other areas of interest include web survey design, mixed-mode surveys, and questionnaire design.
Rebecca will use the Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship to attend the 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings. She will present findings from the second of the three studies in her dissertation research.
Rebecca earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology at Georgetown University where she graduated in 2006.
Click here to read more about this prestigious scholarship.
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